Events at Temple Israel We strive to offer events that add to the lives of our congregants and support judiasm. Past events include Scholar in Residence Programs Hebrew classes for adults Sunday with the Stars - a special program honoring people who have given a lot to our Temple New Member bar b ques Summer bbbqs Rabbi’s goumet coctail party and BBQ Open sukkah at the Rabbi’s houe Raffles Wine Tasting Book Club Shalom Teens Meetings Participation and support for East End Jewish Community Council events
Upcoming Events We strive to offer events that add to the lives of our congregants and support Judaism. Choose a button on the left to view information on an upcoming event. You can view highlights from some of our past events by clicking on the More button. Typical events at Temple Israel: •Scholar-in-Residence Programs •Hebrew classes for adults •Sunday with the Stars - a special program honoring the “stars” of Temple Israel •Summer barbecues •Rabbi’s gourmet cocktail party and barbecue •Open Sukkah at the Rabbi’s house •Raffles •Wine Tasting •Book Club •Shalom Teens activities •Participation and support for East End Jewish Community Council events •Weeky Kiddushes •Monthly Tot Shabbat •Passover Seder •Speaker Programs
© Temple Israel of Riverhead - all rights reserved
Temple Israel of Riverhead
490 Northville Turnpike P.O. Box 1531 Riverhead, NY 11901 631-727-3191
Temple Israel Logo
You can select our Religious Life button to view more upcoming events.